Monday, June 4, 2007

Greenhaven Father's Day BBQ and Potluck

Saturday - June 16th, 2007 - Greenhaven Park Pavilion - Noon

Contests - Prizes - Fun - Food - Friends

The Greenhaven Community is getting together to celebrate "Dad"!
Everyone is Welcome!

Please bring:
  • Something to Grill
  • A Dish to Share
  • A 2-Liter Bottle of Diet Coke

We will supply the paper products, drinks, Mentos, and the grills!

(Why Diet Coke and Mentos? Click HERE for a video explaination ...)

We hope to see you there!

Are you a Small or Local Business Owner? Are you Self-Employed? Do you Run a Home-Based Business? Here is a great (inexpensive) opportunity to let over 200 households know about your business! There will be contests and prizes all afternoon, at the Greenhaven Father's Day BBQ. We are looking for people to donate prizes on behalf of their businesses. Now, this is nothing major – just a $10-$20 father’s day related gift. Here are some ideas:
· Gift cards – restaurants, sporting good stores, Blockbuster, golf courses, Home Depot/Lowe’s/Sears, movie theaters …
· Coffee mugs or to-go coffee cups
· Grilling Utensils
· Of course … a gift certificate for YOUR business!
· Or, if you are too busy, we can get something on your behalf – (just make sure you have the money to us by Monday, June 11, 2007)

When we hand out the prizes, we will announce who donated it, so make sure that you affix your business card and/or a small piece of marketing material for your business. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please let us know by Wednesday, June 13, so we can coordinate all the prizes.
570-7715 (Derek or Mariana Wagner) or email us at:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for sharing this info...i'm sure this will prove really helpful for many out there..and was really nice going through your post!!!!