Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Stetson Hills Burglary Alert (12/19/07)

Taken from the Colorado Springs Government Site, December 19, 2007:

Daytime Residential Burglaries in the Stetson Hills Neighborhood

There is currently a burglary pattern occurring throughout the Stetson Hills Division involving residential burglaries between 9AM and 1:30PM on week days.

These burglaries may involve two Black males who appear to drive a Cadillac with purple metallic paint. The men will knock on front doors to determine if anyone is at home and if no one answers, the door is kicked in.

Residents are asked to be aware of suspicious persons or vehicles in their neighborhoods and report that suspicious activity by calling 911. If you have additional information regarding this crime pattern please call the contact person below.

Sgt Todd Drennan 444-3170 DRENNANTO@CI.COLOSPGS.CO.US

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Top 5 Things I Love About Living in Greenhaven

  1. The Park. The Greenhaven Park has been such a lifesaver for us, as we have 2 children who LOVE it there! And? That is a whole lot of grassy areas that I don't have to mow! And the pavilion has been home to MANY parties and BBQ's - such great memories!
  2. The View. I love driving into the neighborhood (from Roxford) and seeing that beautiful mountain in the distance.
  3. My Neighbors. I have never lived in a neighborhood where so many people were so friendly and willing to chat or help dig out snow bound neighbors!
  4. My House. John Laing's "base" options were so much better than the other builders that we visited. Even though we did go a little overboard on upgrades, we could have walked in without any upgrades and had an excellent home. (And I love my outdoor fireplace!)
  5. The Holiday Spirit. Whether it is Halloween or Christmas, I love walking (or driving) around Greenhaven and seeing everyone's Holiday Spirit!

Posted By: Mariana Wagner – Greenhaven Resident and Realtor®